First year weed assemblages in former croplands following seed sowing of native grasses in Hortobágyi National Park (Hungary)


  • András Kelemen Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Debrecen, H-4010 Debrecen, P.O. Box 71.



life traits, Cirsium arvense, seed mixture, early colonisers, grassland restoration


Early colonising assemblages determine the development of vegetation. Thus, their study can be useful in planning further management actions. In a grassland restoration project in Egyek-Pusztakócs (Hortobágy National Park) the weed vegetation in twenty-three former croplands (cereal, alfalfa and sunflower) was studied in the first year after sowing of low diversity seed mixtures of native grass species. In the study the following questions were addressed: (i) Which species are characteristic to the early assemblages in the first year after sowing? (ii) What is the life-form spectrum of the early colonising assemblages? (iii) Does the type of former cultivated crop influence the species composition of weed assemblages? We found that neither the sown seed mixtures nor the former cultivated crop had a considerable effect on the composition of the early assemblages. The studied assemblages in most fields were dominated by short-lived species. This is beneficial for grassland recovery, because these species can easily suppressed by the sown grasses within a few years. In a few former cereal and sunflower fields high cover of the noxious perennial weed, Cirsium arvense, was detected. In most of the former alfalfa fields no C. arvense cover was detected. Mowing or grazing are frequently needed to suppress C. arvense.

Author Biography

  • András Kelemen, Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Debrecen, H-4010 Debrecen, P.O. Box 71.


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How to Cite

First year weed assemblages in former croplands following seed sowing of native grasses in Hortobágyi National Park (Hungary). (2010). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKÖLÓGIAI LAPOK , 8(3), 497-506.

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