Investigation of local product consumption habits and their impact in the Kecskemét sub-region




local products, agriculture, consumer habits, rural development, short supply chain


The promotion of local product production and consumption is at the heart of both the European Union and Hungarian rural development agendas. In the effort to bolster the reach of small-scale producers, significant subsidies are allocated. Yet, the question of consumer preference for locally produced goods remains open.

This paper presents a primary research study aimed at deciphering consumer habits within the Kecskemét microregion. It scrutinizes the channels through which consumers acquire their everyday food products and evaluates the proportion obtained from local sources. The study also probes the degree to which various factors - price, quality, eco-friendly packaging, and production locale and methods - influence consumer buying behavior.

The central goal of this research is to provide an incisive snapshot of current purchasing trends in the Kecskemét area, thereby gauging the prevailing landscape for small-scale producers and short supply chains.

Információk a szerzőről

  • Orbán Zsolt Ádám, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem

    PhD student


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Hogyan kell idézni

Orbán, Z. Ádám. (2023). Investigation of local product consumption habits and their impact in the Kecskemét sub-region. Studia Mundi – Economica, 10(2), 62-73.

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