Cooperative evaluation feedback: an information technology architecture, supporting the sustainability


  • Béla Csukás Kaposvár University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Department of Information Technology, H-7400 Kaposvár, Guba S. u. 40.


process architectures, evaluation feedback, cooperative processes, cooperative control and design


Consciously developed cooperative system architectures might have an important role in the technological and economical foundation of sustainable development. Contrary to the usual present understanding, the notion of cooperation is significantly more sophisticated than the mutual goodwill or the consideration of the mutual interests. According to our recently developed approach, in the cooperative control the joint sub-systems control themselves and each other in a way that makes the realization of the favourable states also for the functionally linked parts possible. Similarly, in the cooperative design the connected parts have to be configured in a way that makes the advantageous evaluation possible also for their functionally linked neighbours. This framework, combined with the previously developed generic process simulator and multi-objective genetic program, offers a new methodology for various practical problem and cannot be easily solved with a conventional approach. The computer assisted organization of cooperative evaluation feedback will be illustrated by examples.




How to Cite

Csukás, B. (2009). Cooperative evaluation feedback: an information technology architecture, supporting the sustainability. REGIONAL AND BUSINESS STUDIES, 1(1), 49-55.