Test data based evaluation of lactation cycle controlling rules with a generated simulation model


  • András Tankovics
  • Mónika Varga
  • Sándor Balogh
  • Linda Egyed
  • Béla Csukás


dairy farm management, Direct Computer Mapping (DCM), modelling and simulation


Economic effectiveness of a dairy farm operation is determined mainly by the produced milk and the costs of fodder, as well as of the fertilization and medication of cows. The whole system is characterized by the stages of production cycle, comprising several steps from the calving to the dry period. In line with these steps, there are respective groups of cows in separated stables. In addition, the ill animals are treated separately during their medication. Accordingly, the production cycle can be characterized by the time-based regular and event-based additional cyclic movement of the cows between the above groups. Considering the requirements for the common representation of the underlying balance model with the movement controlling rules and with the event-driven additional movements, in our study a case specific application of a generated programmable structure in sense of Direct Computer Mapping (DCM) of process models has been applied. The model is automatically generated, programmed and parameterized by the recently developed methodology of Research Group on Process Network Engineering. The test data for a representative set of animals, as well as the (optionally modifiable) rules were given from SmartDairy® Management Systems and from the management of Bos-Fruct Agricultural Cooperative. In the realistic data based hypothetical simulation tests we prepared to study the effect of the feasible changes in the conditional rules on the produced milk and on fodder consumption.




How to Cite

Tankovics, A., Varga, M., Balogh, S., Egyed, L., & Csukás, B. (2017). Test data based evaluation of lactation cycle controlling rules with a generated simulation model. REGIONAL AND BUSINESS STUDIES, 9(1), 53-63. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/rbs/article/view/2190