The research of the value system and food consumer preferences in the domestic consumer segments of institutional catering


  • Mónika Fodor Budapest Business School, Institution of Marketing, H-1165 Budapest, Diósy Lajos u. 22-24
  • Ágnes Horváth Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Marketing Institute H-2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly u. 1


value system, food consumer preferences, institutional catering


In our paper we have studied the food consumer preferences of institutional catering from a valuesystem oriented aspect, which was justified by the impacts of the recent changes in the value system that had taken place in the past few decades. In our opinion the value-system based consumer behaviour research helps explore the reasons and motives of selecting products and services together with the intrinsic relations of consumer behaviour to a greater extent. In our paper we have characterised the consumer segments of the domestic institutional catering by the value approach typical of them on the one hand, and by the selected way of their institutional catering, on the other hand. Due to our results we could justify that there was a relation between the value system, food consumer preferences and selecting the way of institutional catering, so the fact that the value theories interpreted on the food market are also valid for the consumer market of institutional catering was also proven.




How to Cite

Fodor, M., & Horváth, Ágnes. (2009). The research of the value system and food consumer preferences in the domestic consumer segments of institutional catering. REGIONAL AND BUSINESS STUDIES, 1(1), 1-12.