Investigation of the leaching dynamics of a submersed macrophyte (Myriophyllum spicatum) in the area of Lake Balaton



Miriophyllum spicatum, Lake Balaton, leaf litter decomposition, leaching


The concentrations of the different nitrogen and phosphorus forms are key parameters in the ecological system, which can affect the aquatic organisms and the whole ecological balance in natural waters. In this study, from 22 September to 16 November 2017, we investigated the dynamics of nutrient dissolution during the degradation process of Myriophyllum spictatum, which is a dominant macrophyte in Lake Balaton. Glass bottles containing plant material and distilled water were incubated at natural temperature from which at specified intervals the liquid phase was removed. We measured the pH, conductivity, NO3-N, NH4-N and PO4-P content of the water samples. The results showed that the NO3-N and PO4-P concentrations and the pH were the highest in the first 8 hours while the NH4-N concentration reached the maximum on day 7. After the 14th day, all the tested parameters became permanent, only the conductivity was observed with greater variability. At the same time sampling was carried out from Lake Balaton and the change of these parameters was monitored.

Author Biography

  • Brigitta Simon, University of Pannonia, Department of Meteorology and Water Management, Keszthely, 7. Festetics Str. H-8360 Hungary

    corresponding author 


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How to Cite

Simon, B., Simon, S., Anda, A., & Kucserka, T. (2018). Investigation of the leaching dynamics of a submersed macrophyte (Myriophyllum spicatum) in the area of Lake Balaton . GEORGIKON FOR AGRICULTURE, 24(3), 61-71.

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