Különböző köles fajok kompetíciós hatása kukoricában
maize, millet, competitionAbstract
Maize is one of our most important fodder plants. Its cultivation has a long history, and is now grown on nearly 1 million hectares. The weed control is extremely complex and requires great expertise. The composition of the weed species is constantly changing, which is due in part to the constant change of the climate. One of its important weed species (or species complex) is the cultivated millet and its subspecies. They cause enormous damage to the maize with their spread, they have a strong competitive effect. This is the aim of our experiment, to investigate the competitive ability of two species, Panicum miliaceum subsp. miliaceum and Panicum miliaceum subsp. ruderale. The experiment took place on a field, with different number of millet seedlings. Among the factors studied were the moisture content of the crop, the length and weight of the tubes. The results of the study were statistically evaluated, which showed that for most factors the presence of millet significantly affected all the parameters examined.
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