Szalmabor készítés, tradíció és a jövő alternatív módszere?
straw wine, dried grapes, climate change, oenologyAbstract
Straw wines are wine delicacies that are made of grapes that loose most of their moisture during the period of drying, so the inner contents are concentrated in the berries. Traditionally, the clusters are dried on straw mats, which gave the origin of the name, although in recent days alternative methods are being incorporated, such as drying in wooden crates, or the clusters being laced onto twines. The method has been used for centuries in numerous wine regions across Europe, and there are some wineries that apply the method in Hungary as well. Our research focuses on how do the winemakers in Hungary use the straw wine making technique, and what are their experiences? Is it possible, that the straw wine making methods gain popularity due to the consequences of climate change? Based on the feedback from the wineries, there is a market demand for straw wines, and the method involves less risk than that of the late harvested ones, though it requires more human resources.
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