Examination of the profitability of poultry farms
income, liquidity, subsidiesAbstract
Based on the data of the Test Plant System (FADN) operated by the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (hereinafter AKI), the authors examined the economic, profitability and liquidity situation of poultry farms. Period under review: 2010-2020. The income statement and profitability indicators of individual and corporate farms were examined separately. We have made a comparison of farms by size and evaluated the basic data of poultry holdings in a common table. Based on the results, it can be concluded that poultry farmers in Hungary are typically individual farms, however, the production value achieved on social farms was much more favourable. Based on a comparison of farm sizes, it can be said that the variability of the profitability indicators coincided over the period under review. For large and medium-sized farms, there was no significant differentiation between the values. While we have also seen significant volume differences in terms of liquidity, collateral, and labour income ratios for small economies.
AKI 2020: Tesztüzemi információs rendszer eredményei 2020, AKI Budapest
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