Zum Gefiederwachstum und zur hormonellen Steuerung der Teilmauser bei wachsenden Gänsen
Downs and feathers of geese are a valuable renewable natural product. They are utilizable as natural insulating and filling material for bedspreads as well as for high-quality winter-clothing. With regard to harvesting of feathers and downs from living geese more knowledge is necessary on cycling processes of the partial moult and on their endocrine control. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to assess the secretion of moult-associated hormones thyroxine (T4), progesterone (P4), estradiol-17β (E2) and testosterone (T) as well as their potential role as a trigger of partial moult with special regard on feather growth. The study was performed with each six male and female goslings. Blood samples were collected weekly during three different time periods of moult: first partial moult (7th to 10th week of life, WL), second (15th to 17th WL) and third (23rd to 25th WL). Plasma hormone concentrations were analyzed by enzyme and radioimmunoassay, respectively. A strong correlation between feather growth and hormone concentration could be only derived for T4, but not for P4, E2 and T. During periods of maximum T4 values, the growth of feathers and downs has been most widely finished and is directly followed by the subsequent period of new feather growth. In conclusion, this study was helpful to obtain more details about endocrine situation during the partial moult in both sexes of growing geese.
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Copyright (c) 2013 R. Müller, H. Pingel, A. Einspanier, J. Gottschalk, M. Wähner

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