Examination of milk production and milk quality in southern great plain farms with different milking technologies


  • Szabina Szilágyi Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science, Doctoral School of Economic and Regional Sciences, 2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly 1, Hungary https://orcid.org/0009-0008-0456-0167
  • Ákos Benk University of Szeged, Faculty of Agriculture, 6800 Hódmezővásárhely, Andrássy 15., Hungary




milk-production, Holstein-Friesian, somatic cell count, lactation


The aim of our work is to compare two dairy farms based on milk production and milk quality results. In terms of their genetic background, the individuals included in the study are of the Holstein-Friesian breed. For the analysis, we collected data from the Riska program, which we summarized, analysed, and examined the difference between the data of the two sites. We compared the two dairies based on the milk production of the cows and the somatic cell count of the milk they produced, looking for an explanation for the differences, which were very significant between the results of the two dairies. The cows of the Hódmezővásárhely colony produced much more milk, and the indicator of mastitis - the somatic cell count - was also at a lower level. We were curious about how the amount of milk produced develops in each lactation separately, and how it changes as lactation progresses - so we found that it is true in all cases, without exception, that milk production increases in the initial stage of lactation, and then decreases continuously after reaching the peak. In the case of both farms, we examined the trend of the somatic cell count of the milk produced by the cows as a function of the time since calving. As the conclusion of our current research, we searched for the answer to whether there is a seasonal effect on the somatic cell count of the milk produced. So, we looked at how the somatic cell data of the two colonies developed in each season as lactation progressed. When analysing the data, it was seen that the somatic cell content of the milk produced is higher in the summer heatwave.


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How to Cite

Examination of milk production and milk quality in southern great plain farms with different milking technologies. (2024). Animal Welfare, Ethology and Housing Systems (AWETH), 20(2), 113-130. https://doi.org/10.17205/aweth.6477

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