Effect of supplemental humic acid with urea as a non protein dietary nitrogen source on rumen variables in sheep


  • Lukáš Bujňák University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, Institute of Nutrition, Dietetics and Feed Production, 041 81 Košice (SK), Komenského 73.
  • Andrej Marcin University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, Institute of Nutrition, Dietetics and Feed Production, 041 81 Košice (SK), Komenského 73.
  • Pavel Naď University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, Institute of Nutrition, Dietetics and Feed Production, 041 81 Košice (SK), Komenského 73.
  • Tomáš Mihok University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, Institute of Nutrition, Dietetics and Feed Production, 041 81 Košice (SK), Komenského 73.




humic substances, ammonia, rumen fluid, urea, protozoa


The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of humic substances (HS) combined with urea as feed additives on the rumen fermentation indicators (pH, concentration of volatile fatty acids VFAs, ammonia concentration, protozoal population) in rumen fluid of 12 female crossbred merino sheep (n = 6 in test and control group). The daily ration for both groups consisted of 1.25 kg grass hay and 0.25 kg cereal grain mixture and 10 g urea. The humic substances were applied at a dose of 20 g/day per animal of the test group orally drenched with a probe directly into rumen (day 1 – 3) at the morning feeding or mixed into feed (day 4 – 18). Rumen samples were taken on day 0, 3 and 18 at 3, 6 and 9 h post morning feeding. The results revealed that HS increased ammonia concentration and protozoal cells of Entodinium spp. by 243.2 and of Diplodinium spp. by 5.1 (x103 /ml) on day 3, while the total VFAs concentration; acetate and propionate proportions as well as pH values of rumen fluid and the acetate : propionate ratio were not changed. Ammonia was higher (P≤0.05) in the test group by 7.9 at 6 h and by 5.6 mg/100ml at 9 h on day 3. Results suggest humic substances addition with urea as a non-protein dietary nitrogen source may improve nitrogen retention in the rumen, but there was no impact on VFAs production. The feed intake of HS with urea had significantly positive effects on the protozoal population in rumen fluid.


  • Lukáš Bujňák, University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, Institute of Nutrition, Dietetics and Feed Production, 041 81 Košice (SK), Komenského 73.

    corresponding author


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