Health-protective effects of hiking


  • Tímea Kozma University of Debrecen
  • Erika Baba University of Debrecen



hiking, leisure sports, health, sports tourism


Nowadays, health-conscious lifestyle is getting more and more attention, so the popularity of active sports tourism, including walking tourism, is constantly increasing. The aim of our research was to examine the health-promoting effects of hiking among hikers in general. In our primary research, we asked regular hikers what changes they experienced in their physical and mental state and social relationships as a result of regular hiking. An online questionnaire survey was conducted, the data of which were analyzed using SPSS statistical program (frequency, mean, standard deviation, chi-squared test). A total of 491 people filled out questionnaire, 35% of whom go hiking every week. Among respondents who do not do other sports besides it (39%), 38% hike on a weekly basis.

Since regular hiking, some respondents reported weight loss, improved fitness and endurance, and a decrease in those with high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Two-thirds of the respondents relaxed while hiking – and thanks to this and nature's calming environment – they felt relaxed while hiking, and this calmness was also felt after hiking. More people also experienced creativity during everyday life and more people began to live in conscious presence than before regular hiking. As a result of hiking, there were several positive changes in the social relationships of the respondents; half of the respondents reported that they made friends while hiking, and even more said hiking improved their relationship with the friend/family member who they hiked with.

Author Biographies

  • Tímea Kozma, University of Debrecen
    ORCID: Student
    corresponding author
  • Erika Baba, University of Debrecen
    Kozma Tímea0009-0000-6084-8271egyetemi hallgatóSport-és rekreációszervezés III. évfolyamDebreceni       ORCID:


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How to Cite

Health-protective effects of hiking. (2023). Acta Carolus Robertus, 13(2), 195-209.

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