Evaluation of local tourism in Iran
Dependence on price index for consumers and gasoline price
local tourism, Consumer price index, Gasoline price, Tourism infrastructure, Domestic travel, Economic impactAbsztrakt
This study evaluates local tourism in Iran, focusing on domestic travel. The initial analysis explores the broader role of tourism in Iran's economy and society, alongside an introduction to the country's tourism infrastructures. The study then examines the correlation between local tourism patterns and consumer price and gasoline indices.
Surprisingly, the findings challenge the hypothesis, revealing a strong positive correlation (0.84) between the "number of local travels" and the "price index for consumers," as well as a correlation coefficient of 0.68 between "number of local travels" and "gasoline price." However, these correlations do not establish causation.
The research identifies additional factors influencing local travel, including lifestyle changes due to migration from villages to cities. Cultural ties and financial considerations also contribute, with a significant percentage (73.4%) choosing to stay with friends and family, reducing travel expenditures.
In conclusion, the study suggests a more nuanced understanding of local travel motivations. Future research should explore factors such as intra-country migration, stress indices, environmental pressures in metropolitan areas, marketing strategies, and tourist attraction advertising on local travel trends.
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