2023 (66) Specia Issue: Diploma 2023

					View 2023 (66) Specia Issue: Diploma 2023

The Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Plan-ning and Garden Art at MATE University currently offers three master's degrees: a Master of Landscape Architec-ture, a Master of Urban Planning and a Master of Land-scape Architecture and Garden Art - the latter also in English. In the past year, exactly 50 students have suc-cessfully defended their theses in our programmes, and their work is featured in this issue of the 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art. Beyond the successful thesis defences now, reviewing the abstracts of the projects, we can see once again that our graduates in landscape architecture and urban plan-ning have found themselves through tasks as diverse and varied as the world around us. They are looking for 'real green' solutions to issues and problems that are central to all our lives - even if there may be many who do not formulate them for themselves. Climate change, digitali-sation, urbanisation, the protection of our natural and cul-tural heritage are perhaps the most important challenges of our time, both globally and locally.

Published: 2023-04-13