Exploitation of our foreign language knowledge on spot

Survey among Hungarian citizens living in Cork, Ireland


  • Eszter Cecilia Szűcs Kaposvári Egyetem PK, Magyar Nyelvészeti és Irodalmi Tanszék


It is a widely known fact that preference is for those employees who speak at least one foreign language. It is worth to spend one or two year in a native speaking country to practise our skills. Never answered question what is a minimum of language knowledge which is needed to start a new life in a foreign country. I made a survey among the Hungarian employees working in Ireland to find out how much they had been able to speak English before they arrived to Ireland.

Author Biography

  • Eszter Cecilia Szűcs, Kaposvári Egyetem PK, Magyar Nyelvészeti és Irodalmi Tanszék

    PhD-hallgató, tanársegéd







How to Cite

Exploitation of our foreign language knowledge on spot: Survey among Hungarian citizens living in Cork, Ireland. (2009). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 7(1-2), 199-206. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/trainingandpractice/article/view/5366