I. International Methodological Conference in the Carpathian Basin. Kaposvár, 8th October, 2010

Kaposvár, 2010. október 8.


  • Bernadette Nagyházi Kaposvári Egyetem Pedagógiai Kar


Recently there has been a growing demand by the professors of teacher trainer institutes andpractising teachersfor a forum where teaching theories andpractice can meet. This conference, with its 18 sections and almost 180 presenters -from Hungary and abroad - definitely means the need for such a scientific gathering. The high standard ofthe presentations proves that methodology, subject-pedagogy, theory-based researches have reason for existence in science. The poster section which introduced the best works of students therefore showed an overall picture about the system of the Hungarian Scientific Student Movement.





Review: Conferences

How to Cite

I. International Methodological Conference in the Carpathian Basin. Kaposvár, 8th October, 2010: Kaposvár, 2010. október 8. (2010). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 8(2), 131-134. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/trainingandpractice/article/view/5328