The Developmental Psychology of the Old Age in the Mirror of the Modern Literature
In the past few years developmental psychology left the ’’children s room ” and started to deal with the characteristics of the people over 65.
This paper will show how the uniqueness of psychological development is reflected in the lifespan stage of old age. The dramatic increase in the demographics of older adulthood has given rise to the discipline of life-long developmental psychology or the study of old age and aging. The emergence of gerontology as a field has had a major impact on developmental psychology. The main trend in gerontology is to view old age as the end of a life-long developmental process. Developmental psychology assumes that human beings continue to grow throughout the life span, moving from infancy to old age.
In this study the psychological characteristics are illustrated by quotations from different modern novels, for example John Updike, Malcom Cowley, Simone de Beauvoir.
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