The Corner House Residential Home


  • Éva Perjésiné Gazdag PTE BTK "Oktatás és Társadalom" DI


What does a disabled young person need? Is it a difficult question? The answer is definitely not one. A young person who lives with a disability needs exactly the same things like his peers: a home, a job, income, well-spent leisure time, friends, a partner, a family, and health care. What actually makes this listing different is that in order to achieve all these things these young people also need support from others.
Parents raising a child with a disability dream about offering assisted living to their children in adulthood. This sort of assisted living has no tradition in Hungary. The best example in the country would be the network of institutes,”Down Foundation Helping the Development of the Intellectually Disabled”. This organization embraces the whole life span of disabled people from birth to old age.

Author Biography

  • Éva Perjésiné Gazdag, PTE BTK "Oktatás és Társadalom" DI



Galambos, Éva – Papp, Zoltán – Verdes, Tamás (2003): The Problem of Quality in the Social Service Offering homing for the Adult Disabled People. Scientific student circle paper, ELTE Gusztáv Bárczi College Faculty, Budapest

Gruiz, Katalin: Alternate Institute Network for Assisted Independent Living of Mentally Challanged People. Social work. 2000/4, 246–259.

Gruiz, Katalin (editor)(2009): Mental Obstacle Clearing, Down Foundation, Budapest

Nirje, Bengt-Perrin, Burt (1998): The Misunderstandings of the Normalization Principle. Kézenfogva Foundation, Budapest

Interview with Dr. Katalin Gruiz, Gánt, 2003 (in possession of the editor)

Interview with Tímea Magyari, Budapest, 20.03.2010. (in possession of the editor)






Review: Training and Practice in Europe

How to Cite

The Corner House Residential Home. (2010). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 8(3-4), 227-236.