The Variants of Exclusion


  • Claudia Kocsisné Farkas PTE Felnőttképzési és Emberi Erőforrás Fejlesztési Kar


The study demonstrates through flashbacks the exclusion of the school life of Jewish students in the late 1930s in Italy and Hungary. In fascist Italy, in September 1938 it was decided that Jews can not attend public school. In Hungary in May 1939 enacted the second anti-Jewish law, the The implementation of the Law provided an opportunity to erect walls among the Jewish and Christian students.

Author Biography

  • Claudia Kocsisné Farkas, PTE Felnőttképzési és Emberi Erőforrás Fejlesztési Kar



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Training and Practice

How to Cite

The Variants of Exclusion. (2010). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 8(3-4), 119-129.