In Mission to Follow Kodály Zoltán’s Track


  • Adrienn Gábor


The educational principles of Zoltán Kodály are well known in the academic life worldwide, as well as his rich artistic and theoretical results in music pedagogy. Hungarian music teachers also know two colleagues’ results of Kodály, who have been elaborated with the methodology of his educational concept: Jenő Ádám for elementary schools and Katalin Forrai for kindergartens. By these methods the Hungarian students are well educated in music from the pre-kindergarten to the music academy. But there are two other important names too, which are well known also among parents: Ilona Gállné Gróh and „Ringató”. In my essay I introduce „Ringató” (Dandling) Music Educational Network in theory and in practice. I display my survey ’s results about a three counties research on Ringató.


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Training and Practice

How to Cite

In Mission to Follow Kodály Zoltán’s Track. (2011). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 9(3-4), 92-105.