The Hungarian Educational Periodicals and the Iconographic/Iconological Method

Géczi János: Press, Picture, History of Education. Iskolakultúra, Veszprém-Budapest, 2010. p. 220.


  • Darvai Tibor ‘Education and Society’ Doctoral School of Education


In his book entitled Press, Picture, History of Education, János Géczi offers an overview of 19th - and 20th -century Hungarian pedagogical periodicals. Since only an insignificant amount of academic research dealing with the Hungarian Educational periodicals has been published in Hungary so far this volume of studies may definitely be regarded as unique and needed. The book’s novelty is that besides being concerned with articles of the press it also includes press photographs and that it applies the iconographic/iconological method while dealing with them. This is the first time in Hungarian pedagogy that the iconographic/iconological method reconstruct has featured in a monograph format; individual studies treating this topic have so far appeared only in edited books. Another novelty to be noticed is the integration of anthropology into the discipline of the history of education.

Információk a szerzőről

  • Darvai Tibor, ‘Education and Society’ Doctoral School of Education

    PhD student




Folyóirat szám



Hogyan kell idézni

The Hungarian Educational Periodicals and the Iconographic/Iconological Method: Géczi János: Press, Picture, History of Education. Iskolakultúra, Veszprém-Budapest, 2010. p. 220. (2011). Képzés és Gyakorlat : Neveléstudományi folyóirat, 9(3-4), 132-135.