Using Short Stories in English Language Teaching at Upper-Intermediate Level


  • Dikici İsmail Zeki


This study examines a group of Turkish University students’ responses to some short stories in English. The group consisted of nine participants-nine sophomores studying at Muğla Unversity in Turkey. The participants took upper-intermediate English, and this study was carried out during their upper intermediate classes. For the first week the participants were given a text and they discussed it with their teacher but for the second and the third week they read the stories with another teacher and at the end of a three week short story reading period, they were asked to fill in a questionnaire and they were interviewed. The interviews and the questionnaire indicated that the students had positive attitudes to short story reading and they stated that short story reading contributed to their reading comprehension. They also found short story reading very useful for the fact that it enhanced their reading; the texts did not bore them as they were not too long and they also formed a cultural understanding.


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Using Short Stories in English Language Teaching at Upper-Intermediate Level. (2013). Képzés és Gyakorlat : Neveléstudományi folyóirat, 11(1-4), 85-95.