Current Issue

Welcome to the web page of the Hungarian Journal of Landscape Ecology
Changes in our environment draw our attention more urgently. Feeling the wind of future, it is extremely important to know more about the processes changing our environment, about its rules and to have more rich knowledge about the future effects of these changes. This attention is impossible without more complex scientific monitoring of nature and environment. This investigating, data collecting and answer waiting attention is inevitable factor of the process that is important to know for those who are curious but feels responsibility and aware of the threats about their future.
In our present world new scientific areas are arising. Basic researches are developing, areas handling our environment more as units are under intensive development. In these works the role of protection and knowing of the landscape has increased significantly. Our journal started in 2003 wishes to participate in the development of landscape ecology as a synthesizing science and disciplines directly connecting to it. Our journal provides opportunity for scientists to publish new results, to write publications in Hungarian and in other world languages, too. We are waiting for short communications that help scientists in scientific orientation.
We publish the abstracts and scientific papers of related conferences in order to fasten circulation of information, the scientific informing and the introduction of the works of partners necessary for cooperation. During the acceptance of the manuscript the scientific area is defining and not the geographical region. Geographical borders – especially in the Carpathian Basin – do not form a barrier so we are waiting for foreign articles with extreme attentiveness.
The need that wishes to provide more forums for publishing results helped in establishing our journal. Based on the number and the quality of the articles published so far in the yearly two issues of the Tájökológiai Lapok (Journal of Landscape Ecology) we hope that the journal contribute its share in the development of the profession of landscape ecology.
Editors in Chief:
Dr. habil. Csaba Centeri (associate professor, Head of the Institute of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management)