A monyoródi jura mészkő és miocén konglomerátum feltárás értékelése a földtudományi természetvédelem szempontjából


  • András Hágen Újvárosi Általános Iskola, H-6500, Baja, Oltványi u. 14.




Baranyai Island blocks, Máriakéménd formation, geoscientific environmental protection


On the field of Máriakéménd-Bár ridge – covered with unconsolidated sediment – Mesosoic layers emerge. These are the so-called “Baranyai Island blocks”. In chronostratriographic sense the sediment of these blocks were formed in the Aalen stage of Jurassic time. Their mineral composition is dominated by limestone and flinted limestone. According to new analogies the „flinted limestone of Aalen” is included in the Máriakéménd formation. Unfortunately, due to the antropogenic tenure, currently only few of these emergences can be observed, except that in Monyoród. My main goal was to introduce the limestone emergence in Monyoród. for my approach I used the records of geologists who already have investigated the area and I updated them from a stratigraphic perspective. I intend to insert the Máriakéménd-Bár ridge – and within this the exploration in Monyoród – in the tectonostographic map series of Circum Pannon region. According to the Aalen hypothesis of Jurassic time, three facies had been formed in the area where strong gravitational mass movement had been observed. following a detailed description of the Jurassic period, attention is devoted to the conglomerate of the Badenian Stage of the Miocene, to the cause of its formation. The gradual sinking since the Miocene had had an effect also on the Jurassic beds of Monyoród. The carbonate structure had sunk while from its higher part a cliff was formed. The tides eroded the cliff thus the wave motions resulted in the formation of rock fragments and conglomerates. According to my suggestions made in the last chapter of this study, the emergence in Monyoród could be of touristic interest. The understanding and knowledge can be achieved in two ways: first by in situ experience, second by extra situm with informative dissemination products.


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How to Cite

A monyoródi jura mészkő és miocén konglomerátum feltárás értékelése a földtudományi természetvédelem szempontjából. (2014). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKÖLÓGIAI LAPOK , 12(1), 173-182. https://doi.org/10.56617/tl.3705

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