Language exam options and requirements in Hungary


  • Zsuzsanna Szilvási-Bódis Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences


language test, language test systems, the role of language certificate, legislation


In the first half of my article, I present the history of the language exam and the various language exams in Hungary. I will outline the history of the monolingual State Language Examination, which was the first to appear in our country for a long time, and then the main characteristics of the other domestic and international language examination systems introduced over time. I do this because, for a long time, the language test was a very important requirement in our country, first of all in secondary, vocational and higher education, but also in the world of work, which is why this large selection could have developed.

In the other half of the study I detail the development of the role of the language test and the language test certificate, primatily in higher education. By reviewing the relevant legislation, I present the “career” of the language test as a requirement, i.e. how the perception and situation of the language test requirement has changed over the past few decades, until now.

Author Biography


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How to Cite

Language exam options and requirements in Hungary . (2023). Technical Languages and Translation | Szaknyelv és Szakfordítás, 1(2), 16-24.