The effect of rangeland quality on the minimum viable farm size: the case of Erzurum province


  • Abdurrahman Kara
  • Semiha Kiziloglu


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of rangeland quality on minimum viable farm size (MVFS) in farms dependent on natural rangelands in Erzurum province. Study villages were selected purposely from those for which rangeland quality degrees (RQD) were determined previously. In determination of sample size, stratified sampling method was employed. Study data was taken from the 2004-2005 production year and obtained from face-to-face farmer interviews and reflected in 99 completed questionnaires. In data analysis descriptive statistics were used and linear programming was employed in determination of MVFS. Study villages were grouped under lower, moderate, and upper groups regarding the RQDs and MVFS was calculated for each of rangeland quality group. According to the results, MVFS was calculated to be the farm of 1.9 units of dairy cattle activity and 6.42 ha of farm land. It was also determined that a shift of 16.5% in RQD brought about 0.2 ha of farm size difference in minimum viable farm organizations for dairy cattle farms dependent on natural rangelands. It was concluded that long term and more robust studies with a wider range of variation in rangeland quality were needed to prove the study results since this study was the first of its kind. Keywords: rangeland quality, dairy cattle, linear programming, minimum viable






Corporate Social Responsibility

How to Cite

Kara, A., & Kiziloglu, S. (2011). The effect of rangeland quality on the minimum viable farm size: the case of Erzurum province. REGIONAL AND BUSINESS STUDIES, 3(1 Suppl.), 659-672.