Women farmers’ perspectives on the use of machinery in agricultural production in Turkey


  • Songül Akin Dicle University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture Machinery
  • Songül Gürsoy Dicle University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture Economy
  • Abdurahman Kara Dicle University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture Machinery


Using of machinery in agriculture, namely agricultural mechanization, embraces the use of tools, implements and machines for agricultural land development, crop production, harvesting, preparation for storage, storage, and on-farm processing. The main criteria such as technical, economic, ergonomic, environmental, and cultural aspects of agriculture have significantly influenced the use of machinery in agriculture. Women workers have been contributing to many fields of agricultural production. Therefore, this study analyzed the views of women farmers about the use of machinery in agricultural production. To this purpose, a survey was administered to leading women farmers to evaluate their perspectives regarding the use of machinery in agricultural production. The results of survey showed that the use of machinery in agricultural production was common and that in Turkey the machineries in widespread use in agricultural production were tractors, ploughs, cultivators, and planters. More than 50 % of leading women farmers stated that the use of machinery in agricultural production resulted in comfort and saved time. Keywords: women farmer, agricultural machinery, agricultural production




How to Cite

Akin, S., Gürsoy, S., & Kara, A. (2013). Women farmers’ perspectives on the use of machinery in agricultural production in Turkey. REGIONAL AND BUSINESS STUDIES, 5(1-2), 11-18. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/rbs/article/view/559

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