Cluster analyzes of households' saving habits


  • Zsuzsanna Széles SZIE
  • Annamária Horváthné Kökény Szolnoki Főiskola
  • Marianna Horváth Szolnoki Főiskola


The issue of self-care is becoming more and more important since the last years because of the economic environment. Our research used a household questionnaire to measure self-care behavior, and the degree to which households may to be influenced by the state through a variety of incentives. The questionnaire was completed in 578 households. Cluster analysis was performed based on 16 variables in order to test the different segments we divided households into. We decided to create four clusters. Their properties were the following names: 1 Self-caring with financial knowledge; 2 Self-caring without financial knowledge; 3 Carpe Diem; 4 Hope-based self-care. Keywords: cluster, households, savings, state influence, financial culture

Author Biographies

  • Zsuzsanna Széles, SZIE
    Institute of Financial and Accounting
  • Annamária Horváthné Kökény, Szolnoki Főiskola
    Közgazdasági, Pénzügyi és Menedzsment Tanszék
  • Marianna Horváth, Szolnoki Főiskola

    Kereskedelem és Marketing Tanszék




How to Cite

Széles, Z., Horváthné Kökény, A., & Horváth, M. (2013). Cluster analyzes of households’ saving habits. REGIONAL AND BUSINESS STUDIES, 5(1-2), 1-9.