Corporate leadership and the dynamic functions of marketing management
Leadership is a skill and a dynamic function within organizations. Good leadership is a key ingredient for successful organizations. The goals of good leadership seem simple: managers have a vision for the future, they build corporate cultures, and they encourage people/employees to fulfill that vision. Yet leadership is a complex question, comprised of many parts. The efficiency of leadership is not determined solely by the competence and knowledge of the leader; there are many variables such as the nature of the organization, the working place (culture, advantages and weaknesses), and the concrete environment in which the organization is active. The authors of this paper analyze the confusion existing between management and leadership; they clarify the different complementary activities through which the company's performance and productivity are enlarged. They emphasize that the organization needs staff/people who know how to combine leadership and strong management and use them for inner and outer mutual balance. In their contemplation of a new corporate future the authors have analyzed the following: the form of managers' demands during enforcement of changes with an emphasis on the role of the manager when connecting with the environment, how managers create opportunities, how they show determination, how they motivate others, and whether or not they distribute leadership magic. The benefit of efficient leadership is not just for individuals and groups within an organization, it is also transferred to society at large. Companies and firms are greatly pressured by changes in values in the 21st century. Now, self-acknowledgment, cooperation, and creating society are emphasized. The working world is distinguished by team work. Work integration and team work are enormously pressured by market changes toward globalization, quality growth, eco products/services, and consumer markets, as well as the great influence of new technological changes in the direction of bigger spectrum of products/services, more sophisticated production equipment, quick implementation of demands, and short development periods for production services. Keywords: management, leadership, organization, market, team workDownloads
Community marketing and social responsibility
How to Cite
Nikolovski, A., Tripunoski, M., & Topaloska, M. (2011). Corporate leadership and the dynamic functions of marketing management. REGIONAL AND BUSINESS STUDIES, 3(1 Suppl.), 543-553.