Store brand products on the market of health protective foods


  • Orsolya Fehér Corvinus University of Budapest, Faculty of Food Science, Department of Food Economics, H-1118 Budapest, Villányi út 29-43.
  • Péter Boros Corvinus University of Budapest, Faculty of Food Science, Department of Food Economics, H-1118 Budapest, Villányi út 29-43.
  • Judit Szigeti Corvinus University of Budapest, Faculty of Food Science, Department of Food Economics, H-1118 Budapest, Villányi út 29-43.


food trade, private label, brand label, innovation


In Hungary the first store brand – alias private label – products appeared on the shelves of shopsin 1995. In 2011 we cannot find any chains of stores without their own private label products in their line of goods. Private label distribution shows higher and higher proportion rates in the product range of national food chain stores. In the strong economic competition, it is not easy for chains of stores. Experience shows that it is more and more difficult to find such a product which successfully expands private label product lines. One of the most important options for progression is innovation, namely to develop brand products.




How to Cite

Fehér, O., Boros, P., & Szigeti, J. (2010). Store brand products on the market of health protective foods. REGIONAL AND BUSINESS STUDIES, 2(2), 45-52.