Trend calculation of quantitative and qualitative factors in sugar beet production until 2015


  • Ferenc Csima Hungarian Sugar Ltd Sugar Factory of Kaposvár, H-7400 Kaposvár, Pécsi u. 10-14.
  • Ákos Borbély Hungarian Sugar Industry Association, H-1112 Budapest, Budaörsi u. 161.


sugar beet, beet production, trend calculation, sugar yield, forecast in agriculture


Quantitative and qualitative factors applied in sugar beet production point out that all of the parameters analysed in this study (average sugar beet yield, sugar content, sugar yield, usable sugar yield and thick juice purity) show an increasing trend. Trend calculations based on linear trend method show higher yearly increase until 2015, but with lower reliabilities, compared to the moving average based trend calculations, their reliabilities are higher, but the yearly increases are lower. The calculated results show that the production value per hectare will increase in the next years, and this can be a basis for the successful and profitable beet growing in Hungary.




How to Cite

Csima, F., & Borbély, Ákos. (2010). Trend calculation of quantitative and qualitative factors in sugar beet production until 2015. REGIONAL AND BUSINESS STUDIES, 2(2), 7-15.