Statistical and 'green' evaluation of agricultural efficiency in Denmark and Hungary


  • Judit Beke Lisányi Budapest Business School, Faculty of International Management and Business H-1165 Budapest, Diósy Lajos u. 22-24.


green national accounts, sustainability indicators, efficiency, agriculture


The present study will examine the possible ways of measuring the performance of agriculture by simple methodology, then by using statistical analysis and the ways of integrating sustainability indicators in measuring the performance of agriculture will be attempted. I am examining the appropriate ways of calculating the output of the sector including the damage caused by and the benefits of agricultural production. I present the almost 40 year old history of how to integrate the environmental components in the calculation of the GDP, then attempts will be made to investigate some environmental indicators that could be applied in the comparison of the efficiency of the Danish and Hungarian agricultural sector.




How to Cite

Beke Lisányi, J. (2010). Statistical and ’green’ evaluation of agricultural efficiency in Denmark and Hungary. REGIONAL AND BUSINESS STUDIES, 2(2), 31-40.