Demographic crisis and rural development challenges of Muraland – case study from South Zala
demographic crises, urbanisation, rural development, MuralandAbstract
As the United Nations points out, 66% of global population will live in urban areas by 2050. Even if the decisive part of this growth will be generated in Asia and Africa, the regional side effects of the global trend and the impact of the Hungarian demographic processes from the last decades cause serious challenges in the sustainability of rural areas in Hungary. In this respect, one of the most affected area is South Zala (Muraland), where the fertility rate was the lowest in Hungary between the two national general census of 2001 and 2011 due to relatively high domestic migration and population-ageing. Thus, it is evident that the rural society of Muraland is coping with significant challenges in terms of competitiveness and sustainability. This case study observes the underlying aspects of pro-urbanization factors such as labour and product markets, intermediate services, educational externality, agglomeration side effects, public services, or the stronger projection of self-interest. This way, we can identify the strategic factors that the rural policy must handle to decrease negative impacts of domestic migration.
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