The taxonomic problems of the Festuca vaginata agg. and their coenosystematic aspects



We studied the vegetation of the sandy areas along the Danube. The most important dominant species of these grasslands is Festuca vaginata. Besides Festuca vaginata, an other taxon, Festuca pseudovaginata was also discovered (Penksza 2003). According to Borhidi (2003) F. dominii is a dominant species on acidic grasslands. Taxonomical judgement of Festuca dominii Krajina taxon changed remarkably. Soó (1973a), Šmarda and Kočí (2003) and Šmarda et al. (2007) registered it as F. vaginata subsp. dominii (Krajina) P. Šmarda. Šmarda et al. (2007) clarified the taxon, and named it as a subspecies of F. psammophila (Čelak.)  Fritsch (which taxon occurs only in pine forests in North Europe), therefore the accepted name is F. psammophila subsp. dominii (Krajina) P. Šmarda. In 20 Hungarian areas, we examined individuals belonging to F. vaginata. On the basis of the results, we found the F. vaginata taxon was the typical without awn. In addition, we have collected short or longer awn from the tip of the lemma, which have short fibers under the tip of the lemma. Clarification of taxa also means clarifying the name and dominant species of sandy vegetation, and the overriding and correction of the associations and coenotaxa described above is also necessary.

Author Biography

  • Károly Penksza, Szent István University, Department of Botany

    corresponding author 


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How to Cite

Penksza, K., Szabó, G., Zimmermann, Z., Lisztes-Szabó, Z., Pápay, G., Járdi, I., Fűrész, A., & S.-Falusi, E. (2019). The taxonomic problems of the Festuca vaginata agg. and their coenosystematic aspects. GEORGIKON FOR AGRICULTURE, 23(3), 63-76.