A Cryphonectria parasitica (Murill.) Barr gomba hipovirulens törzseinek morfológiai és virulencia változásai a hosszú idejű, laboratóriumi tárolás során
chestnut blight fungus, Cryphonectria parasitica, hipovirulent strain, dsRNA virusAbstract
The fungus Cryphonectria parasitica, which causes the blight disease on the chestnut species of Castanea dentata and Castanea sativa, is also a major pest in America and Europe. The only way to control this fungus is to use hypovirulent isolates. A double-stranded RNA virus is present in the cytoplasm of hypovirulent fungal strains. This causes a significant reduction in virulence. These strains also differ morphologically from the virulent isolates on the medium. In our experience, the RNA virus may be fragmented and the fungal isolate initially exhibits a white colon morphology characteristic of the hypovirulent variant on the BDA medium, but is no longer capable of transmitting mycovirus in vivo. Alternatively, after prolonged storage, the RNA virus is so fragmented that the culture becomes completely unsuitable for field treatment, although the mycelium is still white on the medium. Therefore, molecular biological (confirmatory) tests are essential before field treatments can be performed.
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