Relationship between security and competitiveness in agricultural enterprises in Transdanubia
agriculture, enterprise, motivation, sustainabilty, TransdanubiaAbstract
Despite the risks of starting a business, most entrepreneurs seem to prefer the opportunities included rather than be an employee, as their numbers continue to rise. In many cases, however, it is not just starting a business but maintaining it that poses a real challenge for the entrepreneur. Therefore, the goal of our study is to identify the long-term sustainability of businesses, especially agricultural businesses, since the number of risks in the sector is higher. The quantitative research was carried out in the Transdanubian region by using a questionnaire, the result of which shows that most agricultural entrepreneurs operate as family farms and/or have been inherited. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted as part of the study, which revealed that domestic professionals see the potential for risk reduction in establishing professional relationships and diversifying their activities. The authors see the opportunity to interconnect security and competitiveness in economic organizations and in the spread of technological innovation, some initiatives of which have already begun.
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