Fajtafogékonysági vizsgálat a leanderrák kórokozójával szemben
Nerium oleander, Pseudomonas savastanoi pv nerii, susceptibility, plant protectionAbstract
One of the most important pathogens of oleander is Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. nerii, which causes leander cancer. Unfortunately, there is only few information about protection options against this disease. Infected plants are most often treated with copper-based pesticides, but this can cause environmental pollution. Using resistant variety is a chemical-free and environmentally friendly way of protection. In our study, we tested the susceptibility of 11 oleander varieties. The investigated varieties reacted differently to the infection. The most serious symptoms were observed in the variety N. oleander 'Marie Gambetta', the smallest changes were observed in the varieties N. oleander 'Maglay' and N. oleander 'Roseum plenum'.
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