Erwinia amylovora baktériumfajra érzékeny és toleráns körtefajták vizsgálata


  • Dorina Varga Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Horticultural Sciences, e-mail: (corresponding author)
  • Gitta Kocsisné Molnár Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Horticultural Sciences, e-mail:


fire blight, Erwinia amylovora, pear, susceptibility, resistance


We studied fire blight susceptibility and resistance on different pear cultivars. During the research we infected two Erwinia amylovora strains on flowers and raw fruits. We developed infections on seven pear cultivar’s flower with capillary technique. We concluded that the ‚Packham Triumph’ cultivar was the most susceptible. The flower organs are really sensitive that is why we could not record moderate resistant cultivar. The ‚Harrow Delicious’ showed the least symptoms throughout the flower infections. During the infection on the eleven pear cultivar’s raw fruits, we concluded that the ‚Worden Seckel‘ showed the most resistance and the ‚Williams’ cultivar was the most susceptible.


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How to Cite

Varga, D., & Kocsisné Molnár, G. (2022). Erwinia amylovora baktériumfajra érzékeny és toleráns körtefajták vizsgálata. GEORGIKON FOR AGRICULTURE, 26(1), 155-163.