Examination and comparison the effects of extraction time and temperature for compost tea
compost tea, nutrient content, poultry litterAbstract
Composting represents an efficient technology that enables the effective utilization of by-products and waste materials. Moreover, it proves to be highly suitable for processing raw materials and converting them into fertilizers that would not be recommended for direct application without undergoing pre-processing. This is particularly crucial in the case of poultry manure, which possesses potentially hazardous properties and necessitates pre-treatment. One increasingly prevalent form of compost is known as compost tea, which involves the immersion of compost in water. In this experiment, compost tea or compost solution were created using a product called composted and pelletized poultry litter (CPPL). Four compost:water ratio (CWR) (1/2.5, 1/5, 1/10, 1/20) were applied, along with three different extraction durations (24, 48, and 72 hours) and three distinct extraction temperatures (20 °C, 35 °C, and 50 °C). Since the 1/10 and 1/20 ratios were found to be the best for subsequent applicability and spreadability, their content parameters were measured further. After elimination of the experiment, the most important nutrients (nitrogen content (nitrate and ammonium), phosphorus and potassium) were determined. The results showed that the nutrient content was highest for all four parameters at the extraction temperature of 35 °C. For example, while at 20 and 50°C the NO3 – content ranged from 263 to 768 mg/l and from 210 to 534 mg/l, at 35 °C it ranged from 498.33 to 2636.67 mg/l, irrespective of the mixing ratio and extraction time. If the extraction temperature is not taken into account, the nutrient content increased with the increase of the extraction time, so that the highest values were measured at 72 hours extraction time obviously. The data measured in the present experiment will serve as a basis for subsequent experiments with different indicator plants, investigating the effect of compost when applied as a solution.
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