Current Scenarios of Circular Economy in Brazil and Ecuador
Review Article
Circular economy (CE), Policies, Challenges, Latin America and Caribbean (LAC), 3R principalsAbstract
The circular economy offers alternatives to provide concrete solutions to productive, environmental, and social challenges worldwide, especially for developing countries such as in Latin America and the Caribbean region, where the economic models are heavily dependent on natural resource exports. The literature review briefly describes the current scenarios of the circular economy in two Latin American countries (Brazil and Ecuador). The paper describes the importance of the Circular Economy (CE), the public policies implemented in these countries during recent times, and the main challenges they face to achieve a transition from the traditional economic model to a more sustainable one. At the global level, there are various mechanisms and policies that drive the transition from a linear to a circular economy. However, developing countries such as Brazil and Ecuador do not yet have specific policy frameworks that encourage the circular economy as a governmental policy. The outstanding challenges and actions for achieving CE in the case of the countries considered remain large and require the joint effort of all actors involved at the public, private, academic and public care levels in general.
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