Exploring Intercultural Online Marketing Competence among Tourism Students

A Case Study from Slovakia


  • Norbert Beták Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, corresponding author, e-mail: nbetak@ukf.sk
  • Viktória Bíziková Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
  • Viktória Gergelyová Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra




tourism, online marketing, interculturality, targeting, perceptions


Intercultural online marketing is an essential element in today’s rapidly developing and diversifying world. Many fields, including marketing, are not only increasingly aware of this social and individual need, but are incorporating it into their tools and methods. A common method for targeted and effective marketing campaigns in tourism is to ensure that potential customers receive a response that is appropriate to the cultural background of the target audience. The aim of the present study is to examine tourism students’ attitudes towards intercultural online marketing in the following areas: Knowledge in the field of Intercultural Marketing; Stereotypes about potential customers; How to target potential customers as well as the students; Cross-cultural knowledge/skills. The research was conducted among students of the Department of Tourism at the Faculty of Central European Studies of the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia. The questionnaire on which the research was based was completed by 135 respondents. The results of the survey provide an answer to the research question about the knowledge and perceptions of the future representatives of the tourism sector. The results obtained indicate that the extent of experience and knowledge in the field of intercultural online marketing is not sufficient. These findings have potential implications for further research to explore strategies for enhancing education and training programs aimed at bridging the gap in intercultural online marketing proficiency among future professionals in the tourism sector. Moreover, these findings suggest a need for collaborative efforts among academia, industry stakeholders, to develop comprehensive initiatives that address the evolving demands of the tourism industry in an interconnected world.


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How to Cite

Beták, N., Bíziková, V., & Gergelyová, V. (2023). Exploring Intercultural Online Marketing Competence among Tourism Students: A Case Study from Slovakia. REGIONAL AND BUSINESS STUDIES, 15(2), 5-15. https://doi.org/10.33568/rbs.4636