Examination of the Performance of Food Industry Enterprises Between 2010 and 2021


  • Péter Földi Budapest Business School, 1055 Budapest, Markó u. 29-31. Hungary, corresponding author, e-mail: foldi.peter89@gmail.com
  • Anett Katalin Parádi-Dolgos Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life SciencesHungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 7400 Kaposvár, Guba Sándor u. 40. Hungary
  • Tibor Bareith Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4. Hungary




COVID, food industry, profitability, performance under influence factor, subsidies


In the case of any state, the success of its corporate sector is a cardinal question for its national economy. Consequently, the issue of profitability of the corporate sector has always attracted considerable attention from experts dedicated to understanding successful economic functioning. Regarding academic research priorities, it is essential to identify the identifiable factors, mechanisms of action and trends that are important for the success of corporate growth. In the light of previous studies on the performance of the Hungarian food sector, the above findings are also confirmed, and the main focus of this research is to analyse the factors that play a significant role in stimulating the profitability of the Hungarian food industry. The relevant research period is mainly the period before, during and after the coronavirus epidemic.


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How to Cite

Földi, P., Parádi-Dolgos, A. K., & Bareith, T. (2023). Examination of the Performance of Food Industry Enterprises Between 2010 and 2021. REGIONAL AND BUSINESS STUDIES, 15(2), 59-71. https://doi.org/10.33568/rbs.4407