Understanding Resilience in Tourism and Hospitality
crisis, organizational resilience, systemic resilience, recoveryAbstract
The two years that have passed since the spring of 2020 have been an extremely unfavorable period for businesses in the tourism and hospitality sector. The coercive measures introduced due to Covid-19 led to adverse events, often crises in the operation of stores. The literature on resilience gives the most adequate answers to the question of how successfully a company resists or adapts to an unfavorable market situation. Resilience refers to the ability of the organization to continue to function during an adverse event by bouncing back or adapting to the circumstances in a new way. The purpose of this study is to summarize the concepts of resilience and present its aspects related to tourism and hospitality. The systematic processing of the results of resilience research found in the literature is not only useful for understanding the current situation but can also provide an effective coping strategy for another period of crisis. Since the research of corporate skills plays an important role in the post-Covid-19 recovery, the study proposes possible research methods for resilience and points out the challenges of business research.
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