Is Organic Food Good for Health and the Environment?




organic farming, organic food, biodiversity, chemical fertilizer, organic fertilizer


Global organic food consumption has increased significantly in the last decade. Organic product agriculture is a one-of-a-kind technique that strikes a balance between environmental sustainability and consumer safety by developing a good client relationship with the end customer or consumer group. According to environmental studies, organic farming is less damaging to the environment than traditional agricultural methods. Recent studies show that customers who eat organic foods have lower pesticide exposure, which results in fewer human diseases. Organic food has more nutrients. However, the evidence to support this is lacking, and no well-designed human study has shown any direct health benefits or disease prevention benefits from consuming organically produced food. Furthermore, some researchers mention that for some types of plants, the nutrients in the case of conventional products were better. This study aims to identify the benefits of organic foods over conventional foods and consumers' beliefs about health and environmental benefits associated with organic foods. Secondary data for this research have been gathered from different international journals and the Internet, utilizing information from a variety of scholarly publications. The author addresses the present state of organic farming, as well as the benefits and disadvantages of consuming organic and conventional food,. The article has also investigated the effects of organic and conventional food production on both health and the environment.

Author Biography

  • Ahmad Durbul, Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences

    Corresponding author:
    Kaposvár Campus H-7400 Kaposvár, Guba Sándor u. 40.


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How to Cite

Durbul, A. ., Fertő, I., & Zaien, S. (2021). Is Organic Food Good for Health and the Environment?. REGIONAL AND BUSINESS STUDIES, 13(2), 11-30.