A short review of the electronic banking system
E-Banking, TAM, UTAUT, Bank customers, acceptance, adoption, security, perceived ease of use, trustAbstract
The necessity of E-Banking services with the new generation’s lifestyle today is reached at different levels of technology innovations. This paper aims at directing and contributing to E-Banking by exploring and analyzing the current situation of commencement on E-Banking and its acceptance confidently. This paper presents an intensive summary review of a doctorate research by the author about E-Banking acceptance in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq in which 38 studies among 110 published papers were selected on E-Banking between 2002-2016. The studies seek to draw reliable conclusions from their data to identify the influenced factors on the acceptance and adopting of E-Banking system. To analyze the capacity and results of these studies, an analysis was conducted on the most influenced factors, powerful acceptance theories employed in these studies, the
sample unit, respondent size and the location of the investigation. The results showed that the factors of security, perceived ease of use and trust had the higher frequencies among the others. The most used model in these studies was TAM model with a great satisfaction results by the researchers and bank institutions. The respondents of these studies were between 44 and 3000 and the major sample unit is bank customers and the majority of studies were from Iran, which are 13 studies. It was found that other theories (UTAUT and UTAUT 2) were less attractive to researchers in their studies. Therefore, the most results are based on the outcomes of TAM models. However, there are limitations of the outcomes by this study for reviewing limited papers, some
shortcomings in constructing the links between the E-Banking channels with the influenced factors and there is supremacy of the higher frequency of using TAM on the results. Further works are recommended to study security, perceived ease, and trust using (UTAUT and UTAUT 2) in the countries with large population strata.

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