Intraspecific Facilitation Through Host Plant Quality Improvement? Observations on the Aggregation Behaviour and Population Biology of the Senescence Inducing Phloem Feeder (Ischnodemus Sabuleti)


  • Zsolt Gidó Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Environmental Sciences
  • Éva Lehoczky Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Environmental Sciences



Ischnodemus sabuleti, Heteroptera, Blissidae, Glyceria maxima, intraspecific facilitation, aggregation behaviour


The aggregation behaviour and the senescence inducing effect on its host plants (Glyceria spp.) of the European chinch bug (Ischnodemus sabuleti) is documented in several Hungarian high- density populations. The hypothesis of intraspecific facilitation through host plant quality improvement is formulated and discussed in detail. We suggest that drought stressed host plants improve the performance of I. sabuleti and facilitate the local population outbreaks. We suggest that the optimal host plant drought stress level is higher for senescence feeding herbivores than for the flush feeding herbivores.

Author Biographies

  • Zsolt Gidó, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Environmental Sciences

    Dr. Zsolt Gidó, PhD
    Assistant professor
    Department of Environmental Sustainability, Institute of Environmental Sciences,
    Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
    H-8360, Keszthely, Deák Ferenc utca 16.

  • Éva Lehoczky, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Environmental Sciences

    Dr. Éva Lehoczky, PhD, DSc
    Department of Environmental Sustainability, Institute of Environmental Sciences,
    Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
    H-8360, Keszthely, Deák Ferenc utca 16.


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How to Cite

Gidó, Z., & Lehoczky, Éva. (2023). Intraspecific Facilitation Through Host Plant Quality Improvement? Observations on the Aggregation Behaviour and Population Biology of the Senescence Inducing Phloem Feeder (Ischnodemus Sabuleti). Journal of Central European Green Innovation, 11(3), 50-69.