The Importance of Winemarketing in the Szekszárd and Villány-Siklós Wine-Growing Region


  • Eszter Molnár Kaposvári Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Piacgazdasági és Marketing Tanszék (University of Kaposvár, Faculty of Economics, Department of Marketing) H-7400 Kaposvár, Guba S. u. 40.


The importance of winemarketing has been stressed in the Hungarian wine-growing sector, just like in the Szekszárd and Villány wine-growing region. The unsuitable flow of information, the shortage of capital and the lack of specialists caused a great problem in wine-marketing. The wine-growers of Szekszárd and Villány said that they wanted an appropriate national wine-marketing. There is not a good wine-marketing activity in Hungary, so wine-growers try to unite in their wine-growing region. But a lot of wine-growers do an individual wine-marketing activity nowadays. The efficient communication, the wine-growers’ union and the proper use of marketing-mix are needed for good wine-marketing. Successful wine-marketing is based on the domestic variety of grapes, the „flagwine” of wine-regions, the union of trade, the effective communication and the strict regulation, too. The wines of the Szekszárd and Villány wine-growing regions have to be made acquainted by winemarketing.




