Profit vagy felelősségvállalás a lakóhely élhetőségéért? - vállalatok dilemmái egy tervezett helyi termék programban


  • Andrea Szűcs Kaposvári Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Marketing és Kereskedelem Tanszék
  • Viktória Szente Kaposvári Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Marketing és Kereskedelem Tanszék
  • Orsolya Szigeti Kaposvári Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Marketing és Kereskedelem Tanszék


Our research group has conducted focus group and deep interview studies in a town in the enterprise sector. Our aim was to examine whether the enterprises could identify with the aims of the tender focusing on the connection of local production and consumption (currently in planning stage). In the project a local foodstore, product label and a complex view-shaping campaign is going to be established which is going to motivate the consumption of local food. Our questions have focused on the following topics: • we wanted to know what does the ’local product’ term mean for the consumers and what is their opinion about the program; • we wanted to identify the target groups of the program and their features; • we wanted to perform the positioning of local foods with them; • we were curious about their expectations in connection with local foods; • we wanted to know their expectations in connection with the establishment of a local food store; • we wanted to discover the importance of the labeling in the case of local foods; • we wanted to discover their expectations about the trademarks; • we have asked them to phrase the main communication messages. According to the deep interviews and focus group interview results we have stated that all local and surrounding enterprises (independently from their size) have a positive reception and the local government can count on their active participation during the realization of the project. The interviewed persons agreed that the program could be useful for the city, the enterprises and the local residents as well due to its economy stimulating and employment retaining effects; besides those, the residents could recognize and continuously buy healthy and quality local products which could mean an increase in demand.




