
Water – form – memory





water, form, memory, art


Water also plays an important role in our lives mentally: it is a remembering, communicating and memory evoking medium. It remembers living organisms, while elementary water memories are stored in both the human viscera and mind. However, the audible, visible and tangible water formations do not only cause, at times calming, heuristic or dramatic experiences because of the Thalassa experience, and not only because of the many underlying, individual or archetypical experiences of being, through water as a symbol of the unconscious.
Water surface, this membrane of multiple planes of movement that carries its physical sight as well as the constant flux of virtual images of its reflections, is the 3D animation field of the creation, the metamorphosis and the destruction, and the changes of lighting and colour, of spatial form and reflection. Variations of images and reflections appear on it, through which the mutual base of approach and archetypes of the transformations and relations that created them, become more visible. The investigation of this interface that conjoins and on the other hand causes collision between heights and depths, ethereal and earthly, vertical and horizontal, real sight and reflected, visible and invisible, real experience and projection, has led to many theoretical and artistic discoveries. The aim of this study is to analyse these.


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